
PCA-2 (Purkinje Cell Antibody 2) Line Assay and Purkinje Line Assay


SOX1/Titin Line Assay

Recombinant Line Assay for the detection of autoantibodies to SOX1 and Titin.

In patients with Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS) autoantibodies to SOX1 are considered to be a marker for small cell lung cancer (SCLC). In single cases autoantibodies to SOX1 have been detected in patients with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis.

Titin: Autoantibodies to Titin, the giant elastic intracelluar protein of the striated muscle are detected in 70-90% of patients with Myasthenia gravis with an underlying thymom. Autoantibodies to Titin correlate with the severity of the disease. Anti-Titin Autoantibodies belong to the group of "partially characterized" antineuronal antibodies. Flyer

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